Touching the silence

The other week I had a coaching experience that was something else. It touched the silence, and it’s a genuine privilege when that happens. I don’t know if you’ve ever been there? It can happen in any situation, but I’ve personally only noticed it in conversations.

What I notice is that each participant (and it can be more than one, I’ve experience this in larger groups as well) goes quiet. Not necessarily silent, but more quiet. Voices go softer, more quiet, and there is an almost tangible silence to the conversation, there is something else there. If I was religious I’d say God became present, or participating, and in a way, maybe that is just what happens. Only, I believe we all carry ”God” within us. That higher power embodies us all, but we don’t always feel it, experience it, or even remember it’s there.

But we do. And when we touch the silence, that higher power within is very much alive and thriving. This is not something that require a specific setting to come about though, as it’s always there. We have the potential to tap into this higher power at all times, because it’s within us. Always. It’s also what connects us. All of us. At all times.

*giggling a little*

This might come across as though I’ve suddenly been born again, somehow, and you might think all sorts of things about that. But, I don’t care about that, I won’t let my thoughts about what you might or might not think, limit me or my writing. This is my experience and I use this blog as a way to journal, I guess. I journal my experiences, my insights, my ponderings, my questions.

I wrote above that I’ve only experienced this in conversations. 20140501-065402.jpgBut, now that I think about it, that’s not true. I just realized it to being akin to the feeling of flow. And flow is something that I’ve experience by myself many times. I don’t always remember instances of flow, but since I’ve been out flying quite a lot this year, I have noticed that I do tend to end up in flow, on planes, when I bring out my miniPad and write blog posts. Times just wiz by, and I am left with a number of journal-entries/blog posts. Call it whatever you may. But in one sense, they represent moments of me touching the silence, capturing it onto paper, saving them for posterity. Like photographs. A snapshot of my state of mind, at that very moment.

Have you experienced touching the silence, and if so, would you please tell me about it? I’d love to know if this way of describing it resonates with you?


8 tankar på “Touching the silence

  1. Pingback: Three things I know to be true | HERO – the coach

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  5. Great way of putting it, Helena. I love it when the quietness comes into rooms, conversations, meetings or moments. As you put it – it doesn’t have to be silent, but it usually becomes more quiet. To me it’s as if you can touch the presence, you can see or experinece yourself and others really being there, at that very moment. It’s magical and usully brings out a lot more ”smartness” or wisdom than what we might have experienced before. It’s fun, enjoyable and loving.

    Though I know I have this inside of me all the time, sometimes I get ”lost” and run away from the silence or presence, and that’s ok too. It even makes the next moment more interesting since I don’t have any doubt I can find my way back and just rest in the presence of things.

  6. Beautiful Helena – and I know exactly what you mean. Finding Home… My biggest insight from the SCA so far has transformed my life, and totally changed the way I coach other people too. I found Home – and it has nothing to do with the physical world of form. It had always been there, of course – I just didn’t know it. With the benefit of hindsight, I can now look back and recognise the Glimpses of Home throughout my life. What’s different now is that Home is now where I live, rather than the occasional blissful “vacation” visit. And I’ve seen that it is completely separate and unconnected to the circumstances of my life. Home is the place where I get inspired, re-awakened to the vitality and aliveness of Life, where I remember who I really am. Home is Love. Home is Connection with everything. Home is a knowing that everything will be OK – always has been, always will be. And coaching others? When I’m Home, it just works. People don’t need ‘fixing’, because they are already perfect. I can “see” the true, real them – their soul, if you like. All I need to do is point them Home.

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