Being OK with what is

As I have an enormous amount of conversations at the moment, I keep being reminded about one of the key factors in the transformation I’ve undergone these past years. And I even got a reminder of it from the daily EnneaThoughts that I subscribe to since many years back:


Being OK with what is, accepting whatever emotion I’m feeling in any given moment. If you don’t recognize this, I hesitate as to whether or not you can you even begin to understand what a difference that acceptance makes, compared to constant inner fighting, not being OK with my feelings, not wanting to feel what I was feeling, and believing I was bad for feeling what I felt.

Oh the energy I’ve wasted over the years, I cannot even begin to fathom the extent of it….

But no more!

And guess what? I don’t beat myself up for the energy I’ve wasted over the years either. What’s done is done, and thanks to me doing it, I’m where I am at today, so really, it’s a blessing!

Because today, I am ok with what ever state of mind I am in. I am, truly, ok with it. I accept, fully, and with that comes complete and utter compassion and love. For me, but also for the world I live in.

This also means that even if/when life sucks, I’m ok, I’m good, and most of all, I don’t have to run away from what is, or fight myself for being where I am. I can just be with what is.

Are you ok with what is or do you fight it?

2 tankar på “Being OK with what is

  1. Pingback: Giving away control? | HERO – the coach

  2. YES yes yes to your post! I have been more peaceful and happy than I have in decades and yet things have happend the past two months out of the ordinary! My beautiful, perfect running 1997 Honda Accord died while my former partner, (who still supports me) was gone for his first 2 week vacation in about 50 years, and I had to be towed home and was was without a car over an hour from any rental place. I needed food among other things! Finally found 2 friends who drove me, one to Portland and the other over to Beaverton to borrow his old, barely running car, a manual shift, which ran while he was gone! Came home and he is working 80 hour weeks and his own car on the 3rd engine is dying, so we both have to get new used cars! Uggh! Smiled and imagined the best! Found an all wheel drive Subaru at an unbelievable price to drive the icy snowy roads which scare me in the winter in my Honda! Wow! Then washing a glass jar in the sink, not noticing the bottom had come cleanly off (!), I seriously cut my thumb down to the tendons and I am alone. Remaining calm, aware of my thoughts and focusing them on my own healing abilties and so on, I managed to put a pressure bandage on and meditate for a couple hours with no pain! A week later you can barely see the marks! Wow! Finally moving some books off of high shelves for two days, I encountered a lot of old dust and became ill with a sinus infection, first time I have been ill in a couple years. During my recovery I have spent quite a lot of time meditating and journaling and made Incredible Leaps in Awareness of more about the power of Thoughts in my life and how I could easily change things. In the end, I am happier than ever before! Each experience fully embraced as it came, and at the end of each journey, I was more Aware and more In The Moment than ever before! YES I love your post and am learning that all things can serve a purpose when I love them equally and stop judging myself as if they should not have happened!! Thanks so much! Morgine

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