
The two days of The Independence Intensive with Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler didn’t blow my mind. I would have liked more, longer, deeper, more challenges, and above all more interaction with all the magnificent people attending the event.

However, watching Rich turn on his high-flame coaching in a nanosecond has been a true inspiration to witness. I’m gonna be much more fearless and vulnerable myself in my coaching from now on. Thanks Rich for modelling that for me in the most authentic way!

And Steve Chandler, the man with the voice that I struggled not to get stuck on. Now I love that voice, and even more, I love his message. And his humor. Man, that’s one funny man! I will keep on listening to your pods, and read your books, and your generosity is simply amazing. You make me reflect, think and act, and I thank you for that. You’ve flipped my mind several times already, and I look forward to more flips ahead!


The resources made available to me/us as attendees, both before, during and after the event, all in themselves are value enough for the price of the Intensive. I will continue to grow and evolve as a direct result of all these resources!

1,5 day in. Enter: Steve Hardison.

And my mind blew. Totally.

I’ve never ever experienced presence like that. I’ve never met anyone so present. And it wasn’t the words he said. Not at all. It was where he was coming from. A place of love. 100% love. And 100% willingness to serve.

I am at a loss for words. But during the break after Hardison spoke, my whole body vibrated. And I was filled with a new purpose, a commitment so deep and immediate I feel all shook up.


The main message from Steve Hardison was simple. Just be me. Whatever that is, be it, and be it fully. Be fully that which I am. And that which I am can change at any moment, and that’s just the way it is. But at the same time, Steve Hardison models beautifully how it’s possible to practice to live a life of love. Cuz love is all there is. Live. And love. Namaste Steve Hardison, namaste.

I have now gotten a resolve for two things:
1) Living and loving life, and doing it by being me.
2) Honouring the gift of life by serving the world and those around me.

Again. My mind just blew. And I love it. And boy am I grateful to myself for doing this sort of thing, attending challenging and potentiallty mindblowing events. What an experience!

When did you last have a mind blowing experience?

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