I miss me

Came home after a full day of meetings.

Went out into the garden.
A run-away hen. Picked her up and lifted her into the coop confinement.
Sun shining brightly. Deep blue sky.
A crispness to the air, typical of the early fall weather.

Apples ripening on the trees.
Some of the leaves of the trees in the garden starting to turn. The mulberry tree in particular, gorgeous yellow-colored leaves.

Spot the last rose in bloom. Cradle its velvety petals in my hands. Pull it towards my face. Inhale deeply, slowly closing my eyes, just drinking it in.

velvety petals

Realize something important.

I miss me.

I’ve been unusually (for me) occupied with work and travels for the past several weeks. Somewhere along the line of these past few years, I’ve gotten used to hanging out much more just with myself, being able to control my own schedule to a larger extent. So after these past weeks, I miss me.

Luckily, tomorrow is my day! Beginning this fall, I’ve set aside a day a week in my calendar that is my day. To do with what I want. If I want to work, I work. If I want to read a book, I read a book. If I want to take a dance walk, I take a dance walk. I make a deliberate attempt to not book any meetings on my days, unless it’s something I really want to do. If I want to… well, I’m sure you get the picture by now.

I so look forward to connecting with myself tomorrow.
Have you ever felt the same? Missing yourself?

5 tankar på “I miss me

  1. Pingback: Hämta hem mig själv. Igen. | HERO – the coach

  2. Pingback: Bye bye 2015! | HERO – the coach

  3. Pingback: Hej då 2015! | HERO – the coach

  4. Åh precis det här tänkte jag på i bilen hem idag. Jag saknar tid att tänka. Kanske en form av egen dag. I mitt jobb är det många bollar i luften och korta snabba puckar. Läste nånstans att en rektor fattar i genomsnitt 140 beslut under en arbetsdag. Jag har hållit en dag i veckan tidigare för att tänka. Jag är i tjänst men vandrandes, tänkande. Den här terminen har jag inte fått till det. Det märks. Hjärnan börjar krympa känns det som, synapserna hickar lite. Klok text av dig H. Den var lite till mig. Tack.

    • Var så god. You and me both! Och tror du sätter fingret på det där – hjärnan krymper liksom. Oskön känsla. Framför allt när man vant sig vid att den får lov att expandera!
      Glad att du fick en liten påminnelse av detta.

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