Lost my run streak

Woke up, got my IPhone, and opened the Headspace app. Clicked on a 10 minute unguided meditation but it just froze, nothing really happened, the meditation wouldn’t download. Restarted the app, same thing, so I told myself I’ll do a ”meditation by bike” instead, as I had roughly an hour’s worth of bike riding to look forward to later that day.

Then I woke up again. The next morning. And realized I never did do my ”meditation by bike” and hence, I lost my run streak. I was up to 278 days in a row… and just realized I’d dropped down to zero again. headspaceAnd just as when my blog-every-day-in-a-row-streak was shot after blogging for almost a year without fail in October 2013, I just observed the fact that my run streak was gone. No chastising myself, no telling myself how incredibly stupid and forgetful I was, no moans of regret wishing that it hadn’t happened. Nothing of the sort. Just accepting the fact that I was down to zero, and being ok and absolutely at peace with it.

Because it is ok. The world hasn’t gone to pieces in the days since, and the only action I took was to meditate, when I’d woken up, and I’ve been doing it every day since, just like I was doing before the day I missed it. Can you imagine the amount of heartache and miserable denigrating self-talk I could have saved myself over the years if I had learned this at an earlier stage in my life?


2 tankar på “Lost my run streak

  1. Pingback: Tar ett steg i taget | HERO – the coach

  2. Pingback: Day 90 + 45 – zeroing again – Cleanse4expansion

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