Thoughts aren’t Truth!

Found a great quote by Byron Katie on Facebook:
Byron KatieAnd I have to say, that’s one very wise woman. Because thoughts are just that, thoughts, and not Truth, which I have been prone to believe before. But they are not instructions that you have to follow, they just are. Period.

Sometimes I act on my thoughts, and sometimes I don’t, based on what serves me best in the moment. But overall, just to know, in my heart, that I do not have to believe, and act, upon the thoughts that come into my head was been the greatest revelation in my life.

And you know what, that might seem like I’ve been totally dense until I got this, and I might well have been, but while I’ve always know I don’t have to believe, and act, upon obviously ”crazy thoughts” such as ”Try jumping off the cliff to see if you can fly” or perhaps ”I wonder what it would be like to kiss that smashingly magnificent-looking perfect stranger across the road”, I really didn’t know I didn’t have to believe, and act, upon the more unassuming – but oh so insidious! – thoughts such as ”Well, so everyone says you’ve done a good job today, but really, you could really have done a bit more! I’m dissapointed in you! You’d better get your act together.” or something like ”You didn’t remember to remind your child about bringing gym clothes to school today, so you’re obviously a bad mother and really need to shape up this parenting stuff, or else…”.

But I don’t have to take either as truth. Because they are not. They just are. What relationship do you have with thoughts?

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