Podcast 4/52 – Invisibilia podcast

Invisibilia is a glimpse into a world you can’t see.


Feel different.

Those are the final words on the ”About Invisibilia”-webpage. I’ve listened to the three first episodes, and I am intrigued. It’s interesting, funny, astounding and sometimes downright horrible.

glimpse unseen worldsI could probably put each and every episode into a podcast-recommendation blog post, but it seems like it’s a series that really belong together, and since it’s just started to air, I’ll simply recommend you start with episode one, and if it get’s you hooked, do what I’ve done, and just continue!

The first one has the alluring title of The secret history of thoughts, and I greatly enjoyed listening to it. I agree with some of the stuff, totally disagree with some other things, and overall had a great time listening. I actually relistened to the episode the other day, and the second story about the locked-in man is especially fascinating.

Just listen. Maybe you’ll hear something you’ve never heard before when you listen. Ready for a glimpse into a world you can’t see?

1 tanke på “Podcast 4/52 – Invisibilia podcast

  1. Pingback: Podcast 11/52 – what am I blinding my children to? | HERO – the coach

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